Affordability Barometer – Living on the edge: Are survival budgets becoming the norm?

Euroconsumers latest Consumer Affordability Barometer shows budgets squeezed to the max with little room for for unexpected costs or savings.

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Major success for Euroconsumers’ Italian organisation

Altroconsumo secures impressive 50 million settlement for 60,000 participants to Dieselgate class action in Italy

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EU Election Fever: taking consumers’ temperature

With the European elections on the horizon, we are not only exploring people’s views on the European Union; we’re uncovering their hopes, fears, and everything in between.

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TikTok slapped with fines for not adequately protecting minors.

So, what’s the plan to remediate and compensate all the victims? Euroconsumers calls out tech giant

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Over a third of facial sunscreen SPF ratings don’t match what’s in the bottle

Here comes the spring, here comes the sun…And here come the false SPF labels on facial sunscreens. Even some of the priciest and most renowned brands couldn't pass our test

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Game, set, what’s the catch?

Games are fun. Games are part of the family furniture. But how much do we know about the way we play?

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# Empower people, improve the market

Me, myself and Generative AI

Inside scoop with 10 consumer takeaways on ChatGPT from Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain

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Empower people, improve the market.

Gathering five national consumer organisations and giving voice to a total of more than 1,5 million people in Italy (Altroconsumo), Belgium (Test Aankoop), Spain (OCU), Portugal (DecoProteste) and Brazil (Proteste), Euroconsumers is the world’s leading consumer cluster in innovative information, personalised services and defence of consumer rights.


Thu July 11 2024 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Europe at a crossroads: is Letta’s way the right way?

Europe is at a turning point. How we organize competition and the internal market will shape the EU's future. The next five years ...

Wed June 12 2024 15:00:00 GMT+0200

The magical world of food supplements: health boom or health bust?

The market in dietary supplements like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and botanical extracts is big business. They are o...

Wed May 15 2024 15:00:00 GMT+0200

EU Election Fever: taking consumers’ temperature

Politicians are getting skittish about supporting environmental policies that might be unpopular with business or consumers. This ...

Thu April 25 2024 15:00:00 GMT+0200

My Gaming Device is Mine: Is Big Gaming letting us play?

Gaming’s dominance sparks debates on fairness, safety, and competitiveness of the industry, with console giants possibly shuttin...

Wed March 06 2024 11:00:00 GMT+0200

Empower women, improve the market

A global study puts women’s combined consumer spending power at $30 trillion worldwide. Women are responsible for the majority o...

Thu February 22 2024 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Protectionism vs Globalisation: is the global trade system failing consumers?

Globalisation impacts what's on your plate, in your car, and even your smartphone. But what happens when global trade faces a cris...

Thu December 14 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Pay or ok: the future rules of the consumer data game?

Multiple newspaper outlets, social media platforms and streaming services have introduced a subscription model for those who want ...

Wed November 08 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

The future of scams: AI enters the ring

Online scams are becoming endemic and cybercriminals have a free run at consumers. New technology like AI can be weaponized to fak...

Thu September 28 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Cultivated meat: the future of food or just another fad?

This month’s #StartTalking will explore innovations in synthetic, lab-grown meat and other alternative proteins in development a...

Thu July 13 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Data in, Data out: How it shapes ChatGPT and us

This month Start Talking will revisit ChatGPT and other generative AI systems with a two part webinar focusing on data, copyright ...

Thu June 22 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Digital Product Passports: can information power the circular economy?

How better information can help deliver a circular economy that makes the most of our planet’s limited resources and designs out...

Thu June 01 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

The hunger games: are food prices being played?

Food prices have been rising steadily since mid-2021. Today food price inflation in the EU/eurozone stands at over 15%, defying th...

Wed April 26 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Green and Digital:
at odds or in sync?

All across the world, countries are striving for the joint prize of a green, sustainable economy and digitally-enabled prosperity ...

Thu March 02 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0200

Chat GPT. Generating chat or cheating change and chaos?

Everyone is fascinated by ChatGPT - the latest impressive iteration of machine learning, which can deliver articulate and readable...

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Euroconsumers’ Temu safety tests underpin importance of major ne...

Temu has not just ramped up the speed of online shopping but the volume of unsafe products. Safety tests by Euroconsumers members are supporting a major new DSA complaint to European authorities. ...
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Digital one stop shops: the front door to EPBD home renovation revolut...

Euroconsumers' DECO PROteste, OCU and Altroconsumo can support achieving Energy Performance of Buildings Directive with HORIS project digital one stop shops for consumer information on renovations and...
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Collaboration & Campaign

Not without my hand luggage: we fight to end airline’s illegal hand ...

Euroconsumers’ ‘Not Without My Hand Luggage’ campaign demands that airlines immediately stop charging for hand luggage and refund consumers who’ve been unfairly and illegally charged. ...
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Altroconsumo joins new data skills project to empower women in work

Euroconsumers Italian member is working with unemployed women to build up vital, market-leading skills in data research, interpretation and analysis ...
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New EU parliament must prioritize cost of living

Euroconsumers Consumer Affordability Barometer 2024 has a loud, clear message for the EU - make our lives more affordable. ...
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Euroconsumers members say stop to Meta’s Generative AI training data...

Euroconsumers’ members Testachats and OCU say Meta's new privacy policy which will use vast amounts of consumer data to train their Generative AI systems breaks EU law ...
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Gen Z voters: EU superfans or stuck on the sidelines?

Our new survey finds young voters are more positive about the EU but aren’t convinced it can tackle their worries about climate, conflicts and costs of living....
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Three letters that will shake up Europe’s auto industry

Europe needs an automotive strategy that is good for consumers, the climate and for industry. That’s why tariffs – if they come – should be complemented by an additional push on electrification, especially in the company car segment. BYD, those three letters that will become so familiar to Europeans this summer, stands for ‘Build Your Dreams’. Europe’s carmakers and politicians need to act now to stop it from Breaking (Y)our Dreams.

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Big Data or Big Brother? Online consumer protection in the age of artificial intelligence

As a result, data is becoming the new oil of our connected society. It should be seen as a reservoir filled to the brim with a precious resource that has the potential of unlocking previously unseen added value. It begs the question: is privacy an outdated concept, or even an illusion, in our digital world?

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Online scams: will AI increase the hidden cost on consumers?

Beyond financial loss, scams can have a profound psychological impact, and this is something that is not talked about enough. While the financial losses and methods of scam delivery often make the headlines, victims are left isolated with feelings of shame, guilt, and decreased trust in their own judgment.

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Towards sustainable food systems: empowering consumers and enhancing food sovereignty in the EU

We need to merge innovation with culinary tradition in order to create a sustainable and inclusive food system for everyone. Engaging in the consumer experience and understanding their reality should be the starting point, but achieving food affordability and security demands multifaceted systemic change.

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GenAI: from shock and awe to get stuck in and solve?

Crudely put, industry, investors and governments are excited about its potential, and keen to stake out an early lead in the space, whilst of course acknowledging risks. Civil society on the other hand is trepidatious. Digital rights organisations have a long understanding of how the products of mass, social, data-driven technology can be used to discriminate and exclude people and diminish human rights and wellbeing.

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From Digital Consumers to Digital Citizens: A New Narrative in the Age of AI

Have we considered how every click, search, and digital interaction contributes to the vast ocean of data without which generative AI and LLMs wouldn't exist? After all, we are not just data points; we are, each of us, the architects of the digital future. The choice of what that future becomes is, and should always be, all of ours.

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Can changes made after 2008 protect us from another financial crisis?

‘As such, the regulator must take firm measures to supervise these financial institutions more vigorously. Banking accidents are not limited to the banking sector. The challenges of our societies require an economy that is solid on its foundations.’

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We Work For The Consumer

Our European member organisations are part of the umbrella network of BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation. Together we advocate for EU policies that benefit consumers in their daily lives.

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