Euroconsumers Manifesto

Empower people, improve the market

Giving voice to the people, so the market can deliver for them

Euroconsumers, its members and supporters of this manifesto believe that:

Consumers are a vital part of society and the economy. They are no longer passive subjects solely in need of protection. Consumers are people, people with agency who can become protagonists in market transformation.

Today’s market needs actively engaged people. Our globalized, increasingly digitized markets, which have opened up extraordinary innovations and far-reaching rewards, are under pressure. Prices and supply chains are vulnerable to sudden shocks, climate and natural systems need fixing fast, and unfair business practices persist on and offline.

Empowered people will be decisive in transforming the market into one that works for them and the planet. They will improve the market by rewarding companies that deliver long-term value, sustainability and trust. If we empower people, they can push the market towards innovations and opportunities that truly match their goals.

If we improve the market, it will deliver on trusted technology, affordable goods, the green transition, and a new circular economy. When we connect all sides, we can achieve a bigger payoff for everyone: we can give voice to the people, and we can help the market help the people.

Ten principles for empowered people and improved markets:

01 People first: consumers are not passive subjects, they are people with agency and control who should be supported to become active market shapers.
02 Everyone included: the needs and resources of all people should be central to product, service and policy design so that no one is left behind or discriminated against.
03 Power of many: when united as a critical mass, consumers are a collective force across markets and across borders. Harnessing their power as a strong demand side will speed up change and reward companies that meet their needs and do the right thing
04 Healthy future planet: a shift towards a sustainable and circular future is a pre-requisite for survival and an exciting opportunity to develop an economy that prioritizes people, society and the environment.
05 Strength in resilience: people deserve reliable and secure digital, physical and economic infrastructure that can support their needs and handle systemic shocks.
06 Vibrant competition, clear choices: everyone should benefit from a competitive marketplace where companies are incentivized to innovate high quality, sustainable products at fair prices.
07 Embrace responsibility: those with the means to develop and deploy innovations and infrastructure must do so responsibly, openly and be held to high standards of accountability.
08 Responsive enforcement: vibrant, fair markets require agile monitoring and, in case of harms or imbalances, action to remedy by authorities or by grasping the collective power of people through class actions.
09 Optimism in innovation: innovation through technology or ingenuous new ideas can build a more prosperous and sustainable society. We approach innovation with optimism and hope, open to new ideas and possibilities.
10 Connecting the dots: constructive dialogue and working collaboratively with a wide breadth of stakeholders is vital. Enabling collaboration between people and the market will help find solutions for all.

Empower people, improve the market’ in practice: Three impact areas


Empower people, improve the market for a digital future

Digital technology can play a crucial role in building prosperity, breakthroughs in health discoveries and including more of us in the world of work and education. It is critical for delivering the innovations in infrastructure and data-driven services needed for the green transition towards circular products, hyper-efficient energy and smart mobility. We want a people-centered digital economy built on control and trust, with open innovation that works hard for people and delivers on their goals.

Developing responsible AI

The development and use of artificial intelligence should answer the tangible needs of the people and be guided by ethical and human-centered principles. People must be informed about how AI is being used to make decisions that affect their lives and be given the ability to contest decisions made by AI systems.

People-centered data economy

In a data economy that works for people, they have rights to access, share and get value from their data and have control over how it is used. Companies need to be transparent about their data practices and held accountable for any misuse of customer data.

Digital competition

The tools and rules for open, inventive and fair markets need to be enforced to promote competition to prevent monopolies and unfair practices, and make sure new entrants can access data to build new, innovative people- centered services.


Empower people, improve the market for a sustainable future

The rapid turnaround needed to shore up climate systems and replenish natural resources is an exciting opportunity to rethink the way we produce and consume everything from food to clothes to transport. It will also give consumers what they want as three quarters of people say sustainability is an important factor in their choices. We want a vibrant, accessible market based on circular principles that produces more sustainable products and services for more people at a price they can afford.

Affordable sustainability

People should be able to access affordable, sustainable options. Working in partnership with the public and private sector, and listening to people will help develop price-sensitive sustainability solutions that are accessible to everyone regardless of income or status.

Clear informed choices

A flood of greenwashing is making sustainable decision-making tricky. Integrating robust sustainability measures into tests and information and delivering crystal clear recommendations that cut through the noise will make choosing the best sustainable option quicker and easier. At the same time, stamping down on greenwashing will cut out the confusion.

Powering up in partnership

A flood of greenworking together at multiple levels is the only way to take on the sustainability challenge. Teaming up with other stakeholders to get the best information out to people, to influence policy decisions, to act when enforcement is needed and to innovate on sustainability best practice is the best way to deliver what’s needed.


Empower people, improve the market for an affordable future

High inflation remains a significant concern across the world and the rising costs of materials, food and transport are putting pressure on consumer budgets. While the drivers for high prices may change, the cost of living will remain a concern for many. Financial problems and debt are becoming a familiar story for more and more households, not just the most financially vulnerable. We want markets with affordable, accessible and high-quality goods and services that meet the needs of consumers today and tomorrow.

Just and equitable food system transition

It is essential to ensure that the costs associated with the ongoing transformation of our food system are distributed fairly. Consumers should not bear this burden alone; instead, all participants in the food supply chain must contribute. Strengthening national and regional internal resources and establishing a resilient market are crucial in achieving this.

Fair competition for fair prices

A competitive yet sustainable internal and global market can deliver fair prices and quality, be it in energy, food, medicine or digital connectivity. Fair competition starts by people - with the help of testing consumer organisations - being able to monitor and compare prices and features and boost markets for the better. Fair competition also requires authorities to monitor and act when things go wrong.

Uniting for collective purchasing

Unleashing the joint purchasing power of people will deliver a better price and reward companies who engage with them. Collective purchasing has proven to be successful in areas like energy and sustainability equipment like solar panels or heat pumps. We should expand its application to make essential services and goods more affordable for everyone.

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