
2023 BEXT awards celebrate brands rising to sustainability challenges

September 2023 will see the return of Euroconsumers BeXt awards.  The awards were initiated in 2019 to celebrate the brands that are rising to the triple challenges of climate, quality and value.

Empower consumers, improve the market

For the leading companies up for awards, sticking with business-as-usual is not an option. In the face of a rapidly warming planet, pollution, intensive resource extraction and a waste crisis of epic proportions a new approach to bringing quality, durable and affordable items to consumers is a top priority.

Euroconsumers believes change happens through empowering consumers and improving the market.  We empower people to shop sustainably, with advice based on independent testing. This relies on brands stepping to be the best in energy savings, durability and green innovation. And when market players deliver, Euroconsumers are there to recognise and celebrate them.

Sustainability on the ballot?

The award ceremony will take place against the backdrop of the next European Parliament and Belgian Elections in June 2024. At the start of the day, Euroconsumers will also be asking whether politicians, consumer ministries, and businesses are putting the urgent task of sustainability at the heart of their plans?


BeXt award categories

After the discussions, it will be time to give the results of BeXt awards. The shortlisted candidates will be announced soon across the four award categories: best Eco-friendly brand, most reliable brand, best value for money, and a new category of ‘Approved by tomorrow’.

Register here now and follow the page for more details