
Euroconsumers Forum 2023

Charting a path in a world of complexity, the Euroconsumers International Forum's 5th edition unveils 'Empower People | Improve the Market.' Together, with our member organisation Altroconsumo, we confront global challenges in a quest to empower consumers, defining and shaping our journey ahead.

Fri | Oct 27 |



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About the event

The 5th edition of the Euroconsumers International Forum sets the stage for our new slogan– Empower People | Improve the Market – as we dive deep into the challenges of the global economy and its impacts on consumers worldwide.

About the event


Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli


Filip Van den Abeele


Antonio Balhanas

CEO Euroconsumers

Alberto Pirrone

Altroconsumo Country Manager

Anita Orbán

Public Affairs & ESG Director at VODAFONE

Mario Pezzotti

Commissioner at CREA

Carlo Alberto Carnevale-Maffè

Marc Aupetitgendre

Head of Marketing Region EMEA at BAYER

Melissa Ferretti Peretti

Country Manager and VP of Google Italy

Carlo Ratti

Lucy Cronin

EU Vice President for Public Affairs at AMAZON

Marco Pierani

Director Public Affairs Euroconsumers

Els Bruggeman

Head Advocacy and Enforcement, Euroconsumers

Paolo Martinello

President of the Altroconsumo Foundation

Paolo Iabichino

Creative Director, Founder Civic Brands Observatory with Ipsos

Federico Cavallo

Head of Public Affairs and Media Relations Altroconsumo

Stefano Bartezzaghi

Writer and semiologist


We’ve assembled a dynamic program designed to captivate and inspire you throughout.

See the program

Live Stream

Post event survey

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This event was proudly supported by our partners: Amazon, Google, Vodafone, Barilla Group, Bayer, Eurospin, and Ferrero, as well as our supporters, the Metropolitan City of Rome, the Brazilian Embassy and the Italy Represenation of the European Commission.